Ohki Lab Data Sharing Platform

We aim to achieve an analysis platform for the open neuroscience data to expand the research field for each individual in Ohki Lab. Ohki Lab-DSP provides comprehensive data collection, which allows Ohki Lab scientists to generate and stimulate data-driven cross-modal neuroscience.

Data Volume





Data Sharing Platform

Data sharing platform is a platform that aims to contribute to the advancement of neuroscience research by collecting and publishing the research data generated in laboratories.

Participation Project: A collaborative project of five institutions

The project aims to contribute to the development of new neuroscience research by linking the data sharing platforms of five institutions: Riken CBS, NIPS, QST, NCNP, and The University of Tokyo.

Neuroinformatics unit, Riken CBS is the developer and provider of the repository system for this data sharing platform.

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General Policies (draft)

General Policies

Eligible depositors: Anyone in Ohki Lab may register as user of the Ohki Lab repository. All users are allowed to deposit content for which they possess the appropriate rights. To disclose the data to Ohki Lab and/or to public approval by a PI is required (see below).

Type of data

All type of data generated from investigations by Ohki Lab researchers. Content must not violate privacy or copyright, or breach confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements for data collected from human subjects or material transfer or other agreements entered into with other data providers.

Data file formats: All formats are currently allowed - even preservation unfriendly. We are working on guidelines and features that will help people deposit in preservation friendly formats.

Data quality: Each PI is responsible for all data generated from their own lab uploaded to the system. The PI should carefully consider the format and quality of data uploaded on to the Ohki Lab repository system and include sufficient metadata to identify and document the research data.

Metadata types and sources: All metadata is stored internally in JSON-format according to a defined JSON schema. Metadata is exported in several standard formats such as MARCXML, Dublin Core, and DataCite Metadata Schema.

Language: English

Access and Reuse

Access to data objects: Files may be deposited under closed, open, or embargoed access levels. Files deposited under closed access are protected against unauthorized access at all levels.

Use and re-use of data objects: Use and re-use is subject to the license under which the data objects were deposited. In case the data is included in a separate repository or publication the license should have the same licensing in both sources.

Restricted Access: Users may deposit restricted files with the ability to share access with others if certain requirements are met. These files will not be made publicly available and sharing will be made possible only following the approval of the depositor of the original file.

Metadata access and reuse: Metadata is licensed under CC 0 except for email addresses.

Computer programs: Computer programs are released under one of the following open-source licenses approved by the Open Source Initiative (https://opensource.org/licenses): Apache License 2.0, BSD 3-Clause, BSD 2-Clause, GPL, LGPL, MIT license, Mozilla Public License 2.0, CDDL and the Eclipse Public License version 2.0. Other open source licenses are subject to approval by the repository committee.

Citations: We request that researchers who use data from the Ohki Lab repository system (published or unpublished) in presentations and publications cite and acknowledge the Ohki Lab repository system and data production laboratory(s) for referenced dataset(s) or the manuscript in which data is published (if applicable). Authorship credit would be requested for more substantial contributions.

Succession plans: To facilitate communication with contributors after their departure, metadata should include the ORCID Number or other contact information for all consenting contributing authors. In case of closure of the repository, best efforts will be made to integrate all content into suitable alternative institutional and/or subject based repositories. All inquiries should be directed to the original contributor.

Removal: Content not considered to fall under the scope of the repository will be removed by the Ohki Lab repository committee. User access may be revoked on violation of Terms of Use.

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Term of use (draft)

Term of use

Efforts shall be made to appropriately present the license to use useful data, along with the scope of disclosing and sharing the data, or its disclosure/sharing flag status to the recipient of the data in order to prevent infringement on the rights of the holder of the copyright of the data. In a case where a collaborative research agreement or a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) has been concluded, a license to use useful data shall be sought according to such an agreement.

To determine the status of data use without identifying recipients, it is necessary to ask the receivers to provide their information (such as the name and affiliation of a receiver), together with IP address and other records before downloading the data, in recognition of its being personal information. When the data is to be used as secondary-use results in research data, the license to use the useful data requires the requesting user to specify that they will provide information identifying the data providing source in the body of any published manuscript or to otherwise acknowledge the user’s research paper.

In preparing a license to use useful data, consideration should be given—such as including a provision to request that identifiers for references to source data or the author of the data should be used in the research paper—so that the readers of the research paper can refer to reference source data.

Citation and Acknowledgement

We request that researchers who use data from the Ohki Lab repository system (published or unpublished) in presentations and publications cite and acknowledge the Ohki Lab repository system and data production laboratory(s) for referenced dataset(s).

Data Use Policy for External Users

The Ohki Lab repository data (a.k.a. research data), tools, and resources are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.


Under this license external data users may freely download, analyze and publish results based on any open-access data and tools as soon as they are released, provided they give appropriate credit, a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. This applies to all open-access datasets generated by individual Ohki Lab members, regardless of type or size.

Alternatively, computer programs may be released under an open-source license approved by the Open Source Initiative (https://opensource.org/licenses). External users are responsible for verifying the nature and terms of the license before using or distributing a program.

Researchers using unpublished data are encouraged to contact the data producers to discuss possible coordinated publications; however, this is optional.

If the data that researchers intended to use are not linked to any journal publication, they are encouraged to contact the data producers to correctly understand the procedures of how these data have been obtained.

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The Ohki Lab repository committee (undecided)

Member List (draft)


Ohki Labratory

Email: ut-dmbm.u-tokyo.ac.jp
This repository system is operated by Ohki Lab.